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The Importance of Lemon in Our Lives

The importance of lemon:

You will be surprised to know the importance of lemons in our lives. People used to fight and even used to declare war in the past for this most essential fruit. It contains vitamin C, which is the most essential vitamin for our body and even sometimes required for our survival. Lack of vitamin C causes “scurvy,” which is a fatal disease, especially during sea voyages.

Lemons have surprising nutrients and health benefits. such as-

  • Vitamin C: It is an essential and powerful antioxidant for immune function, healthy skin, wound healing, and iron absorption.
  • Citric acid: It prevents kidney stones.
  • Potassium: It supports healthy blood pressure.
  • Fiber: It contributes to a healthy digestive system.
  • Flavonoids: Lemons contain flavonoids like hesperidin and diosmin, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

The Scarring "Scurvy":

In the past, during sea voyages, “scurvy” was the most frightening and life-threatening disease. The sailors, in their long journey through the sea, had limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Due to a lack of nutrients, especially vitamin C, they often fell victim to scurvy.

Symptoms of scurvy include fatigue, swollen and bleeding gums, joint pain, and a general feeling of malaise, which often lead to death.

The link between the disease and a lack of nutrition was discovered in the 18th century by Scottish naval surgeon James Lind. His experiments with citrus fruits proved that the vitamin C content in these fruits can prevent and cure scurvy. He realized the importance of lemons for human lives.

the importance of lemons

The Film "Waterworld":

You can see the importance of lemon in the film “Waterworld.” For a single lemon tree, the hero of the film gave a strong fight. It was not just a tree, but rather a life-saving medicine for the people on the sea voyage. In the long run for searching the land, the lemon tree was their essential element for survival. For which several battles were seen in the movie for conquering the lemon tree.

the importance of lemons
Waterworld movie seen

Incorporating Lemons into Your Diet:

There are countless ways to add more lemons to your daily routine.

  • Lemon Water: Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water to hydrate and boost your metabolism.
  • Salad Dressings: Add a squeeze of lemon juice to your salads for a tangy twist.
  • Marinades and Sauces: Lemon enhances the flavor of fish, poultry, and vegetables.
  • Baking: Lemon zest adds a burst of citrusy flavor to cakes, cookies, and other desserts.
  • Beverages: Make homemade lemonade or add a few slices to your water for a refreshing drink.

My personal experience with lemon:

The biggest benefit of lemon that I have personally found is that whenever myself or someone in my family is suffering from a cold or flu, we mix lemon juice with lukewarm water and drink it in the morning (not necessary on an empty stomach). Within 1-3 days, we get relief from coughs and colds, Alhamdulillah (all praise be to Allah).

Always use lukewarm water, as the molecules of vitamin C get activated in warm water. You will not get the optimum benefit if you use cold water.

Actually, increased eosinophils (a type of white blood cells) are the main cause of coughs and colds. The normal range of eosinophils is 500 cells per microliter. But if these particles increase, they will affect our lungs as well as the respiratory system. 

Along with vitamin D, vitamin C also helps in decreasing eosinophil levels in our blood and provides a remedy for coughs and colds.

the importance of lemons
Image by 8photo on Freepik


In conclusion, I must say that lemon is a cheap fruit but very essential for our health and overall well-being. It is a very powerful immune booster that protects our bodies from various diseases. 

Lemon is also very tasty; we can’t imagine a salad dish without lemon. It increases the taste of salad to a new height. We can’t make curd from milk without this fruit. Nowadays, for its many benefits, it is replaced with tamarind mixed with water in every panipuri (water ball) stall in our country.


Excessive lemon consumption can cause dental erosion due to its acidic nature. It’s best to consume lemons in moderation and rinse your mouth with water after tasting them.

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