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7 Foods in your Kids Diet Chart to say Goodbye to Gas and Acidity forever​


Keep these 5 foods on your kids diet chart for a healthy colon, and say goodbye to gas and acidity forever. Our top priority as parents is to ensure a kids diet chart for the better health and well-being of our beloved children. The most important aspect of their overall health is maintaining a well-balanced diet. 

We often overlook the essential component of a healthy diet that promotes a well-functioning colon and prevents issues like gas and acidity. In this article, we will discuss the importance of certain food habits that should be included in our kids diet charts to maintain a healthy colon and bid farewell to uncomfortable problems like gas and acidity.

The Role of Colon for Better Health Condition:

One of the most important organs in our body is the colon. This organ single-handedly handles multiple complex tasks. It absorbs nutrients from food and supplies them to our body. It converts the rest of the food particles into stools. This is the most important organ in our body.

So if you want to stay healthy, you must take care of this organ. It will not take time to get involved in complex diseases like colitis, IBD, and IBS, starting with simple problems like gas and acidity. So experts advise everyone to be aware of colon health.

A healthy colon plays a vital role in the overall digestive process. Its function is to absorb essential nutrients and water from food particles and to expel waste and toxins from the body. If the colon functions optimally, it helps prevent various gastrointestinal issues, including gas and acidity. Including the right foods in your kid’s diet chart can promote a healthy colon and minimize digestive discomfort.

But the problem is, most parents are in ‘no tension mode’ with the colon even as they look after the other organs of the child. This is why children are trapped in multiple complex problems at an early age due to the lack of a proper kids diet chart.

The Role of Kids Diet Chart in Colon Health:

kids diet chart
Bild von Luda Kot auf Pixabay

The diet plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the colon. Our food choices can either support or hinder the smooth functioning of our digestive system. We have to ensure that our kids’ digestive systems remain in top condition. 

So before our little gold is in danger, he/she needs to include some foods in his/her diet that are perfect for colon recovery. You will notice that the child’s appearance will change. So don’t delay and find out some of these ‘Colon Friendly’ foods in a hurry to include in your kids diet chart.

Hence, we have to consider adding the following foods to our kids diet chart:

1. Oats are Great Medicine:

Bild von granjapix auf Pixabay

If you want to recover your child’s colon, try to include oats in his/her diet. Because oats are a high-fiber food,. Therefore, by eating this food regularly, the number of good bacteria present in the intestines of our children will increase several times. As a result, food will not take time to digest. Even the trap of constipation can be avoided. So if you want to keep your little Gem healthy, make him/her accustomed to this superfood.

2. Beans and Legumes are a must:

Image Courtesy:

Beans & legumes are mines of protein, fiber and iron. So, it is needless to say that if you keep beans in the diet of your children regularly, the nutritional deficiency in their body will be solved. Even the beneficial fiber present in it is useful in restoring the colon of the child.

Besides, if you eat this food regularly, you can protect the child from the trap of anemia. So if you want to keep little gold healthy overall, you have to include beans, curry, and legumes in your diet.

3. Super Fruit Avocado:

Photo by Valerie B.:

Food experts worldwide are full of praise for avocados. Because this fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, beneficial fats and antioxidants. So by eating avocados regularly, it will be possible to avoid several serious diseases and move forward in the battle for life. Even in the work of restoring the bowels, its combination is very appropriate. So feed this fruit occasionally to keep children away from gas and acidity problems. This will bring benefits, for sure.

4. Essential Guava:

Photo by Any Lane:

Our very famous guava is rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin satisfies our daily requirements and helps increase immunity. Besides, this fruit contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which helps with bowel movement. So feed your child at least one guava every day. By doing this, his stomach as well as the whole body will be prominently restored.

5. Carrot is So Good:

Photo by Hana Mara:

Fiber is an essential element for sound colon health. It adds bulk to stools, promotes regular bowel movements, and prevents constipation as well. Carrots are loaded with vitamin A and rich in fiber.  Carrots and leafy greens can provide the necessary fiber intake for our little gems. Carrots and other vegetables that grow under soil not only aid digestion but also contain essential vitamins and minerals for overall health.

6. Yogurt- The Probiotic-Rich Food:

Photo by Ella Olsson:

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support our abdominal health. Foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables (e.g., sauerkraut) contain these friendly bacteria, which help to maintain abdominal health. These microbes aid in digestion very effectively and thus help the colon system absorb nutrient elements from food very efficiently. Overall, they provide us with a healthy digestive system, and as a result, we get a gas- and acidity-free stomach.

7. Lean Proteins:

Photo by Malidate Van: protein food

Lean sources of protein are essential for kids colon health, such as poultry, fish, beans, and lentils. Hence, it should be added to our kids diet charts. These proteins are easier to digest compared to fatty meats and thus reduce the risk of digestive discomfort. Moreover, they provide essential amino acids necessary for growth and overall well-being.

Foods to Avoid in our Kids Diet Chart:

Including the aforementioned foods in our kids diet chart can significantly reduce the occurrence of gas and acidity. However, there are also certain foods that should be limited or avoided to prevent these discomforts, such as:

1. Processed and Sugary Foods:

Photo by Robin Stickel:

Foods high in sugar and processed ingredients can disrupt the balance of abdominal bacteria and lead to digestive issues. Excessive consumption of sugary treats and processed snacks like cake, pastry, and burgers should be limited or avoided to maintain a healthy colon and over all well being.

2. Fatty and Fried Foods:

Photo by Antony Trivet:

Fatty and fried foods are notorious for causing digestive distress, including gas and acidity, no doubt. These foods hinder the digestive process and lead to discomfort in our abdomen. Healthy fats are essential, but they should be adequate in quantity, and we should avoid the consumption of many fatty and fried foods.

3. Carbonated Beverages:

Photo by Mr-Den' OoDp:

Carbonated beverages, such as sodas, can raise excess gas in the digestive system, leading to bloating and discomfort. Encourage your kids to opt for water, herbal teas, or freshly squeezed juices instead of these drinks.


Through the above-mentioned kids diet chart, we can provide our kids with better colon health by the grace of the almighty. We should give priority to this kids diet chart and follow it minutely. Then your kids’ colon health will have a lasting positive impact, and it will help them maintain their overall well-being. 

By including fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, probiotic-rich foods, and lean proteins in your Kids Diet Chart and staying well-hydrated, you’re providing your kids with the foundation for a healthy digestive system. Avoiding processed & fried foods and carbonated beverages will save your little one from many critical health issues. 

Occasional indulgences are acceptable, keeping processed foods, fatty items, and carbonated beverages to a minimum, but not on a regular basis. We have to closely monitor their school-time food consumption from fast food outlets. 

This well-researched kids diet chart will contribute to preventing gas and acidity issues. With this well-planned diet, your kids can enjoy better digestion and a happier, healthier life, insha Allah.

What is My Plate?

“MyPlate” is the current Nutrition Guidelines and Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), a branch agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (NSDA). Acts as a recommender, based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

my pltate

You are also suggested to follow this dietary guideline of MyPlate, NSDA, USA.

my plate
Image Courtesy:


1. Nausea or vomiting tendency.
2. Pain in the chest or in the upper part of the abdomen.
3. Symptoms of complications in the mouth, throat, and lungs.

1. Eat smaller meals at regular intervals.
2. Avoid high-fat foods.
3. Wear loose-fitting clothing around the abdomen.
4. Don’t lie immediately after a meal.
5. Don’t Sleep flattened, lie in a slight angle position.

Follow the Kids Diet Chart stated in this article.

Take 1 teaspoon of fennel powder in a glass of warm water to get instant relief from acidity, heartburn, and bloating of digestion.

Banana is the most preferable food to take during acidity as it has alkaline properties and soothing benefit.

Liquid antacids like Dygene or Mylanta are best for quick relief.

Disclaimer: The article is written for awareness purposes only. Seek Consultation with your physician before making any type of diet alteration decision.

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